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Revista Velovision número 46. Desembre 2013

A Plegabike ens agrada estar al dia, i per això us oferim les millors revistes per veure tecnologia, últimes novetats i perquè no dir-ho, coses inimaginables.

I la nostra preferida és la revista anglesa Velovision, feta pel nostre amic Peter Eland des de York, Anglaterra. Una revista on hem descobert un munt d'accessoris que llavors hem incorporat al nostre catàleg, moltes bicicletes plegables, de càrrega o reclinades i un munt d'històries del món de la bicicleta, però des de la seva vessant més urbana, allunyant-se del ciclisme de carretera i del ciclisme de muntanya, que és on es focalitzen la majoria de revistes actuals.

Són revistes que no caduquen, simplement ensenyen bicicletes atemporals i dónen idees i visions diferents a l'ús de la bicicleta. Si sou uns bons Plegabikers, heu de llegir Velovision, la revista dels Velovisionaris.

Us en recomanem tots els números. Són indispensables i unes joies per qualsevol amant de la bicicleta.



Extreme cargo cycling in Sweden - Velove and MoveByBike Gothenburg explain how they've been driven to develop their own machines to shift loads by pedal power.
Freetrike - recumbent triking on Devon's traffic free paths bringing cycling to stroke recoverers and more.
Pedersens at 120 - recreating a classic ride and gathering to commemorate the patent anniversary.
The rum ride - low carbon transport for a delicious cargo!


Catrike 700 - the long low and lean recumbent trike from the USA.
Birdy Touring Disk - the full suspension folder gets a braking upgrade.
Hase Pino Porter - extremely clever cargo capacity on this upright/recumbent tandem.
Circe Cycles Morpheus Omnium+ - This newcomer in the versatile tandem arena converts to carry cargo.
Adomeit Veleon - a reader from Germany offers a short review of this lean-steering trike.
Macwet gloves - grippy, but good for cycling?


Altena Janus crosses Canada - Coast to coast, back to back.
Troytec to Texas - Riding a cutting edge recumbent on a supported tour of a lifetime.
Thys Rowingbike - seeking all round fitness a reader explores the practicality of rowing on the road.
ICE off road - Pushing the boundaries of an adapted trike
The Tri-Ped - the unique Pedersen tricycle


News - a new world record, masses of industry news including several new trikes (and a quad) coming to market and more!
Letters - the usual eclectic mix from our wonderful readers, including a Manx Loopwheel predecessor and a recumbent with compressed-air power assist!
Books - We review Cycling Science by Max Glaskin and Cycle Tourist , an e-book by Gary Corbett.

And more...


Velovision número 46. Desembre 2013
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