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Revista Velovision número 29. Març 2008

A Plegabike ens agrada estar al dia, i per això us oferim les millors revistes per veure tecnologia, últimes novetats i perquè no dir-ho, coses inimaginables.

I la nostra preferida és la revista anglesa Velovision, feta pel nostre amic Peter Eland des de York, Anglaterra. Una revista on hem descobert un munt d'accessoris que llavors hem incorporat al nostre catàleg, moltes bicicletes plegables, de càrrega o reclinades i un munt d'històries del món de la bicicleta, però des de la seva vessant més urbana, allunyant-se del ciclisme de carretera i del ciclisme de muntanya, que és on es focalitzen la majoria de revistes actuals.

Són revistes que no caduquen, simplement ensenyen bicicletes atemporals i dónen idees i visions diferents a l'ús de la bicicleta. Si sou uns bons Plegabikers, heu de llegir Velovision, la revista dels Velovisionaris.

Us en recomanem tots els números. Són indispensables i unes joies per qualsevol amant de la bicicleta.


4 News
The amazing Shweeb, a longtail round-up, Sheldon's passing, an 8-speed Brompton, full 2008 events list and much more.

8 NAHBS 2008
Reporting from Portland, Oregon, at the North American Handmade Bicycle Show

12 Travel in tandem
A voyage up South America by upright and recumbent tandem

16 Review: Batavus Adagio NuVinci
We review this flagship Netherlands town bike, complete with revolutionary NuVinci transmission

20 Review: Santos SUB
The SUB Rohloff on test, a custom-configured urban utility bike with a formidable frame

24 Review: Dahon Cadenza 2008
Reviewing this capable full-sized-wheels folding bike, complete with Alfine hub gearing

28 Hub gear heaven
A detailed report on four cutting edge transmissions on review this issue: Shimano Alfine, SRAM i-Motion 9, NuVinci CVT and the Rohloff Speedhub.

32 Review: Yuba Mundo
An affordable, super-rugged workbike from Germany put through its paces.

36 Short Reviews

36 Ledal pedal lights , plus Hebie's Bigfoot two-leg stand and steering damper

38 Arkel's convertible panniers : the Bug rucksack and the Briefcase laptop bag

40 Books: Annie Londonderry, The Full English, and Pedal Powered Planes, plus a Pitlock update

42 Lights fantastic: the twice-as-bright B&M IQ Fly front light, and SRAM's D7 hub dynamo.

44 Readers' bikes

44 Comfort by Pedersen: A rider in Sydney, Australia is delighted

48 Trikes drive trains in Germany, plus a Ruko update.

50 Letters
Caravanning through the years, Tikit thoughts, Moonsaddle musings and more

52 Subscribe to Velo Vision
How to subscribe, back issues, and details of our distributors worldwide

53 Advertisements
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Velovision número 29. Març 2008
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