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Revista Velovision número 27. Setembre 2007

A Plegabike ens agrada estar al dia, i per això us oferim les millors revistes per veure tecnologia, últimes novetats i perquè no dir-ho, coses inimaginables.

I la nostra preferida és la revista anglesa Velovision, feta pel nostre amic Peter Eland des de York, Anglaterra. Una revista on hem descobert un munt d'accessoris que llavors hem incorporat al nostre catàleg, moltes bicicletes plegables, de càrrega o reclinades i un munt d'històries del món de la bicicleta, però des de la seva vessant més urbana, allunyant-se del ciclisme de carretera i del ciclisme de muntanya, que és on es focalitzen la majoria de revistes actuals.

Són revistes que no caduquen, simplement ensenyen bicicletes atemporals i dónen idees i visions diferents a l'ús de la bicicleta. Si sou uns bons Plegabikers, heu de llegir Velovision, la revista dels Velovisionaris.

Us en recomanem tots els números. Són indispensables i unes joies per qualsevol amant de la bicicleta.


4 News
Two new folders, the bike dispenser, Tomcat Trikes and more.

8 Travels with a tuba
A pedal-powered musical journey bringing education by bike.

14 Eurobike 2007
Full coverage of all the new products at the world's largest trade show in Friedrichshafen, Germany.

24 Aboard the Anura
We ride Greenspeed's two-wheels-at-the-back trike - does it match up to the Kettwiesel benchmark?

28 Work of genius?
Reviewing the small but ingenuously formed Mobiky folding bike from France.

31 Riding the Triangle
The Strida is a daring design - but is it a convincing cycle? We test it to find out.

34 A super-sized cycle
Heavier riders have a steed to suit in the USED BigBoy - and it's a low-maintanance cruiser for anyone.

37 Short reviews
Bike-Eye mirror, Stash folding helmet, ATC2000 helmet cam, Carradice Carradry cameras, Velomobil book, and Richard Ballantine's new urban primer, City Cycling.

42 Back to front
A recumbent tandem which can be facing forwards or back to back.

44 Row, row, row your... trike
We pull the electronically-steered Streetrower out for a ride.

47 Pedal powered soap
Blending by bicycle makes eco-friendly production more efficient.

48 The 1000-mile test ride
Taking a Scorpion from Land's End to John O'Groats.

50 Letters
Choppers galore, stand solutions, fridge transport and more.

55 Subscribe to Velo Vision
How to order, back issue contents, and details of our distributors worldwide.

56 Advertisements
The first place to look for specialist products and services.

Velovision número 27. Setembre 2007
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