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Revista Velovision número 28. Desembre 2007

A Plegabike ens agrada estar al dia, i per això us oferim les millors revistes per veure tecnologia, últimes novetats i perquè no dir-ho, coses inimaginables.

I la nostra preferida és la revista anglesa Velovision, feta pel nostre amic Peter Eland des de York, Anglaterra. Una revista on hem descobert un munt d'accessoris que llavors hem incorporat al nostre catàleg, moltes bicicletes plegables, de càrrega o reclinades i un munt d'històries del món de la bicicleta, però des de la seva vessant més urbana, allunyant-se del ciclisme de carretera i del ciclisme de muntanya, que és on es focalitzen la majoria de revistes actuals.

Són revistes que no caduquen, simplement ensenyen bicicletes atemporals i dónen idees i visions diferents a l'ús de la bicicleta. Si sou uns bons Plegabikers, heu de llegir Velovision, la revista dels Velovisionaris.

Us en recomanem tots els números. Són indispensables i unes joies per qualsevol amant de la bicicleta.


4 News
A camper trailer, new Rohloff rumours, Drymer trike, Greenspeed's Snowbeast, a Velo Vision trip to SPEZI and more

9 Cycle 2007
We report from the UK cycle show in Earl's Court, London

12 Pedal porters
Car-free cycling culture on Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA.

15 Bicycling Blind
Riding with Tandem Israel in the desert north of Eilat

16 Recycle by cycle
A Canadian couple with a commercial recycling company - and a big bike trailer

18 Just the Tikit
We review the eagerly-awaited quick folder from Bike Friday, the Tikit.

22 Ride the roughest roads
Testing the Tout-Terrain Panamericana full-suspension touring bike: a bike for the toughest tours

26 The 'cumbent for children
A cycling family review the Altena-Bike Estrellita, a new child-sized recumbent

28 A spirited ride
The Moulton Esprit on the road - does it deliver AM magic at close to TSR price?

32 Short Reviews
Lights fantastic : three battery-free ideas tested. Reelights, Pedalite and 3M Sekuclips
No more neckstrap: a better way to carry an SLR camera by bike?
Over the moon: cycling again with the Moonsaddle
Pitlock vs Pinhead: we test two security quick-release systems
Books: Velomania, Crap Cycle Lanes, cycling misadventures, the sociology of cycling and Practical Pedal magazine

40 Readers' bikes
Ride the Lightning: a P-38 owner reports
An inventive velocar: visiting a Swedish pioneer
Power and posture: could a new position bring benefits?
Big in front: a new take on front wheel drive

48 Letters
Triple-decker trailers, the Tour de Fat, a novel drive system and more

53 Subscribe to Velo Vision
How to subscribe, back issues, and details of our distributors worldwide

54 Advertisements
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Velovision número 28. Desembre 2007
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